Garda DOP olive oil
Garda DOP oil
Extra Virgin Garda DOP olive oil’s distinctive traits are its naturally delicate flavor and its elegance.
At the taste it can be recognized for harmony or its organoleptic notes and for the light and balanced aromas: the scents of fresh grass, aromatic herbs, hay and artichoke, together with the typical almond aftertaste, make it unique.
The olives intended for production of extra virgin olive oil with “Garda” Protected Origin Denomination come from the olivated territories of the provinces of Brescia, Verona, Mantua and Trento.
When consuming it Garda DOP oil presents the following features:
– color from green to yellow more or less intense
– scent fruity medium or light
– flavor fruity, sweet hints with a typical almond aftertaste.
Maximum acidity in oleic acid 0.5%
The varieties
The most widespread cultivations are Casaliva, Frantoio and Leccino.
Requirements of Garda DOP oil
In 1997 Garda Extra Virgin Olive oil achieved from the European Union the acknowledgement of the Protected Origin Denomination. Only Garda DOP oil has the qualities of guaranteed typicality: the caption “Garda DOP” can be put on the labels only by producers of the industry who comply with the production regulations and the related control plan.
The production regulations present the requirements and conditions that the extra virgin olive oil must meet in order to obtain the denomination of controlled origin “Garda” if need be accompanied by one of the additional geographical mentions: “Bresciano”, “Orientale” and “Trentino”.